Mothering Nature

Why wouldn’t she? Build her nest there Under cover Nestled behind Safe from harm? Why wouldn’t she? Trust her pair of eggs To its softness Smooth and deep Hidden from view? Why wouldn’t she? Sit upon them Warm and waiting For their hatching Into the new day? All was quiet All was still All was […]

Restorative Circle: Listening in Love

There’s just something about sitting in a circle. Where everyone faces everyone. There’s no front row and no back row. No first and no last. In fact, no ordination at all. Everyone is equal and opposite the other — literally. This was my first experience with what Alta Vista Elementary School calls a “restorative circle.” […]

Beauty and the Beast Turns the Tables

Something captures us in this story, these characters, and their theme song. Oh, we’ve read it a thousand times, thanks to Disney. Beautiful princess is rescued by fair prince. No, wait! That’s not this story, these characters, or this theme. This re-telling compels us because it’s an improbable love story; beautiful Belle, kind, caring, determined, […]