Why All A’s is Failing our Kids

Kids today are the most evaluated generation ever, but are they any better prepared than we were? A Facebook friend who teaches in the local schools recently posted a photo of his grade book with names primly truncated. There was not a grade below an A, with several achieving the superlative A+. It was captioned, “Never […]

How, Lord, do we respond?

“The evil out there will not stop because of the faith in here.” ~ Tom Berlin, Easter 2016 Sermon You can’t just stand on your principles. You must act on your convictions. What will we do that we haven’t been doing? say that we haven’t been saying? to stop what’s not stopping? Renew us, in […]

Can a US Soccer Girls Development Academy Prevent Overuse Injuries?

Did you know there is yet ANOTHER league to consider if you’re interested in high level girl’s soccer these days? Yep. US Soccer has announced that it will be launching a Girls Development Academy in the Fall of 2017. This will book-end the boy’s Development Academy (DA) which they formed in 2007, created then to address […]

How would life look if we became the change we want to see?

How quick are we to fantasize how life might be, if only what we wished for were true. If life were different, I would be successful. If life were different, I would be recognized. If life were different, I would be loved the way I want to be loved. If life were different. What might […]

Meekness is not…

Meekness is not weakness, rather it’s a sign of surrender to God.” ~ Rev. Barbara Miner

Taking the Fear out of Post-Concussion Syndrome

It seems like nearly every soccer-playing kid has had a concussion these days. And even if we’re lucky enough to have kids still in the clear, we’re set on edge by the looming fear that the succession of “sub-concussive hits” now under intense scrutiny may be just as damaging as that one big blow that […]

Putting Practice into Play is Easier and Harder than We Think

I was told “Practice makes perfect,” so my defiant younger self quipped, “Practice makes perfect, but no one’s perfect, so why practice?” That was a) to hide my fear of being imperfect, b) to distract people from seeing all the practicing I was doing and c) to excuse myself in case that practice didn’t work. (and […]

Did the Resurrection really happen?

Does it matter if the Resurrection actually happened? This was the question we considered in my adult Sunday School class at a church I used to belong to. I was a regular at Sunday school, where we considered issues of faith and its practice as a matter of course. Sunday school was organized and led […]

Spring is for Training, Find Your Seat

I was so excited to go see my first Spring Training baseball game, the Orioles vs the Braves. I’m not really a fan of either team. I’m a fan of the game and the sport. I love being at the ball park, which brings back great memories of the days my mom and I saw […]