Play, the Great Leveler
Remember the carefree days of unencumbered play? When we gathered a group of friends, boys and girls, older and younger, and set out for the open field, or the hillside, or the climbing tree? There was not one right way to run or jump or roll or climb. We each just did it in our […]
I am enough. Not, I have had enough! Rather, I have what I need for whatever may come. What I lack will be supplied, My surplus will be distributed. Nothing of me will be left behind. Nothing, but what I give away. God never fails to replace what I give away. I am more than […]
Dear Keurig
You are so convenient. I can get what I want immediately. Power. Poke. Press. Presto! I have my solo cup of java and toss the evidence. Next customer. But what of the sound of grinding? smell of brewing? delightful waiting that stirs the taste buds as I watch the beverage climb its way up my […]
Athlete, Philosopher, Artist
We are all athletes, because we have a body. We are all philosophers, because we think. We are all artists, because we create. We are three in one. Our body declines and we battle to sustain it. Our mind forgets and we battle to remember. Our imagination creates anew. What we have always done and […]
Resting Place
Work hard, and never let up, so when it comes to you, you deserve it. It’s the mantra. It’s the message. It’s how we raise our children and ignite our workforce and justify promotion and pay. But Christ says, “No really. I want you to have this.” And you look out upon this and it’s […]
Welcome Warmth
It is amazing how nature’s handiwork can be so diverse. Hardly could it be dealt by the same hand. Certainly no human hand. Hold us close. Keep us warm and bring us safely back to you.
Is Comparison Stealing the Potential from Our Kids?
There’s so much pressure to be the star player out there. The best, the most, the fastest, the biggest, the strongest. While encouraging kids to reach their potential is important – and what parents, coaches and teachers have done since the beginning of time – I think we may have lost our way a bit […]
Child’s Play
How many people don’t step toward God because they aren’t sure of the right direction? I don’t know either. I just lean and, rather than fall on my face, one foot steps out to catch me. God’s like that. Right or left? Good. And again. Good. I know this game! We used to call it […]
Balance is temporary, centered is forever
A little more here. A little more over there. Up a little. Down a little. How we seek level. Even. Balanced. We can help each other balance. Lend a hand, a perspective, a nip, a tuck. But, to be centered. On the page On the wall Of life God’s “Masterpiece”
First things first: Who’s in charge of the calendar?
If I don’t carve out time for priority items on my calendar, I can be sure that every other thing in life will take their place. Then I will surely try to shoehorn God in somewhere. How different things would be if I put God first and let Him show me where everything else is meant […]