Play with a Purpose: The Simple Solution to the Stress Crisis in Our Kids

Kids are stressed these days. Anxiety, worry, clinical depression and suicide is on the rise in our teens. They are meeting the pressure-cookers of their lives without the resources to manage them. So, why try to squeeze in exercise? Because, done voluntarily and under no pressure to perform, it’s a stress-reducer. But wait, isn’t exercise a […]

Exchanging Fear and Worry for Thanks

New every morning. Or after a nap, a good run, a walk around the lake. It’s not the rising and setting of sun that sets my mood, it’s the respite. A time to let the mind wander and tippy toe over the field of neurons who happily spark and ignite one another on their merry […]

Flash mob strikes at Fit2Finish Booth

Who doesn’t love a bunch of kids who get it? I could have talked all weekend about what Fit2Finish does, but they made it perfectly clear in a split second. Happy to have a stretchy band as a new toy… show us how it works…  what do we do next…. can I have one for […]

Players exposed on Twitter may find college coaches passing them by

Twitter: “to utter a succession of small tremulous sounds, as a bird.” It’s the perfect name for short, personal communications, in 140 characters or less, meant to be sent quickly to our friends, perhaps with a photo or a video for impact and emphasis. That sounds nice. What harm could a few tweets do? It […]

Gap Care Training: Return to Play

Gap Care Training for Safer Return to Play In spite of our best attempts to keep them safe and healthy, sometimes injuries happen. When they’re serious and require surgery, the battle back is long and hard. Physical therapy after ACL repair or reconstruction is designed to get them back on their feet. Rehabilitation takes them […]

When play was work, and work was play

I kick away the packed and icy snow from the slate walk and it breaks into chunks. Like tectonic plates, the continents move aside to reveal the dark stone underneath. I am transported back to the elementary school playground. Hour upon hour we played 4-square on that black top. Except on icy days when inch-thick […]

The One Question God will always answer

“If you could ask God one question, what would it be?” That was the bumper sticker on the car next to me. Oh my God. There are so many things that need answers. Why do you allow suffering? Why, death? Why, child abuse? Why, domestic violence and kidnapping and racial strife and executions? Why, pain […]

Coming of Age

We tend to think of “coming of age” as a once in a lifetime experience, or at least one season of our lives. Then we’re done. Thank goodness that’s over. Now I can move on to adult things, and put those childish ways behind me. But what if I don’t, or rather, I can’t. At […]

Without a deadline, I’d never get to Christmas

It’s amazing what a deadline does. Take Christmas for example. On December 25th, at least in these parts, folks wake up to Christmas day and they expect their gifts to be under the tree, stockings to be filled and Christmas dinner preparations to be well under way. As the Dr. Seuss’ Grinch so aptly points […]