Deception is never harmless and often lasting
It seems harmless. A phrase posted on a Facebook status. It’s not true, but it’s part of a game. You post something that is nonsensical or hard to believe about yourself and then the comments start rolling in. What? What are you talking about? The trick is, everyone who comments then has to post one […]
Want Them to Play with Urgency? Tell them the Final Whistle is About to Sound
A goal down and five minutes on the clock. There’s nothing like the play of a team in the final minutes of the game. There’s focus, determination, energy, persistence. They throw caution to the wind and attack relentlessly. They’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for it! When the final whistle is […]
Finishing touches may not kill you
Finishing touches will kill you. Do you want the line to go up or down? the name to be this or that? is this darker or that? Should we label it or leave it alone? describe it in the caption or put it on the figure? And really, should this be positioned before or after, […]
March Madness: only one team gets the trophy
The orange team scores and the crowd explodes. The blue team answers back with a 3-point bucket and their fans jump to their feet. There is stomping and shouting, hugging and clapping. Frenzy in the fieldhouse! It’s madness; march madness. This is single elimination folks. Win, you move on. Lose, you go home. The NCAA […]
Portion management
There are so many people “watching their weight” these days. They are not eating this, cutting out that; substituting for this, selecting out that. We study and read “the latest” about what’s in and what’s not in nutrition. Everybody has got advice, and it’s for sale. We’re desperate. Billions of dollars desperate. And we know […]
It’s true!!
What if someone knocked on your door with the news that your life’s work, everything you believed to be true, was confirmed? Would you let him in to show you the evidence? The young scientist who has discovered the first tremors of the Big Bang – a light wave pattern which is evidence of gravitational […]
Turning water to scotch
So what if Jesus turned water to wine. I turn water to coffee every morning! Okay. Irreverent, I know. But true confession. That’s what I was thinking this morning as I scooped that delightfully fragrant, just ground lusciousness, into the filter and then poured the clear fresh water into the reservoir from my pitcher. Flip […]
Beware the parenthetical
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,” belts the Great Oz. And oh how our attention goes there. Immediately, we peer behind and around or we want to, first chance we get, when no one is looking. Because when someone says, don’t look, that signals it is something they don’t want us to […]
Three strategies to help avoid soccer injuries: Safety, Gear, Move
It’s one of the great moments in a new soccer career: getting the first pair of cleats. Then you send them out onto the pitch and the little running feet in the scrum of kids are a veritable rainbow of color. It doesn’t take long until somebody’s laces come untied. Then someone else. Before you […]
“Come” Oh, how much heaviness there is in that word: come. Grudgingly, we drag ourselves over into the compliant pile. Hauling our stuff with us. We wipe our brow, let out a sigh and, just as we are poised to rest on our laurels God says, “Follow me” What an invitation: follow me. But I […]