Just Reward

The snow is melting taking the evidence of all my hard work with it. Soon, the path I shoveled so Silver could get to the fence will be gone. The piles around the drive that I heaved so my husband could get to work and my daughter could get to school – gone. The swath […]

Three’s not a crowd, it’s just right

“Oh, but it’s your passion, Wendy.” Well, yes, I do like to exercise and be outdoors and eat healthy foods and generally take care of my body. But that’s not actually the point. Don’t lump me with those ‘world’s biggest loser’ fans or those ‘organic everything’ fanatics or those ‘Xtreme sports’ folk. I am really […]

What runs through the center?

In the beginning, we agreed. Then there was the smallest ripple of discontent. A mere, “Aw come on.” And so we did. But we didn’t. Agree, that is. There was the tap, “Look at it this way.” Which led to the shoulder shake, “You have to admit…” which resulted in the back turn where after […]

You Have the Right to Remain Silent

Hang out… Listen… Walk in the truth. That’s what I heard in a sermon yesterday. The preacher is a young guy. Heck, Tim’s hardly even a thirty something. He’s a kid! And he’s got this nailed. Because he lives in the land of young people and he’s always looking around. He told us that these […]

The Binary System: A Simple Guidance System

Life would be so much simpler if everything were worth one point. Every good deed (+1). Every wrong word (-1). Every worship attendance (+1). Every devotional time (+1). Every evil thought (-1). Every angry “take that” response (-1). Every exasperated “it’s about time” (-1). Every “I can’t believe he…” (-1). Every “he can’t be trusted” (-1). […]

What are you Buying When you Pay for a Coach?

This continues the conversation from Dr. LeBolt’s last post, “How much is a good coach worth?“ It’s more important than ever that team parents and administrators who are making the decision about finding and hiring a coach know what they’re getting. Your kid is a precious commodity; you want the best for him or her. […]

Middling has Potential and Not Just for Monkeys

I think I may be a terminal moderate. I’m not sure whether this is good or bad. I’m in the middle of: I’m more of a: — Read the label, now the next one, fix it if you can, try the Nastar course, monitor your own pulse, seek what’s true — kind of gal. Jumping […]

Post-it note promptings

Sometimes I feel like God speaks to me in sticky notes. At times when there is so much to say, there are so many ideas to consider, or there’s no time to write it all down, I scribble the gist of it on sticky notes. On these occasions, my paper or my journal page or […]

Gotcha! not

I turn to write on the board and I hear it behind me. The scampering of feet, shuffling of desks, of papers, of books. Looking over my shoulder, nothing is amiss. Every student in his place. Every desk in its space. The smiles of sweetness greet me. “Yes, Dr. LeBolt?” I shake my head in […]

How Much is a Good Coach Worth?

How much do you really know about that guy or gal who showed up to coach your team? With the explosion of youth soccer in the United States, many clubs are beating the bushes for coaches at the grassroots level. Thousands of well-meaning, servants of the game check the “I’ll be head coach” box. Thank […]