Transparent but not invisible

I don’t know much about art. The arts appreciation sessions of my youth were probably mostly lost on me. Oh, I can describe what I see: the colors, the form, the brush strokes, the character, his expression, her touch. Perhaps, if the artist is clever I can even sense three dimensions even though the canvas […]

The Key to Keeping Your Resolve: Find a Good Coach

Making resolutions is easy. Keeping them is hard. Why? Because we are very clear on where we’d like to end up, what we’d like to do, how we’d like to look or act or feel. We see people accomplishing things all around us. Success stories that we find inspiring and motivational. If they can do […]

Created lopsided

Have you ever noticed that the “come to me” motion (internal rotation at the elbow) is easier than the “you go ahead” motion (external rotation at the elbow)? I did this morning as I was using my rubber tubing to strengthen the muscles of my rotator cuff. (around the shoulder) Turn sideways, hold the handles […]

Looking at life through reading glasses

Opened the front door to let the dog in and I took a deep breath of the fresh air. Ahhh. Just look at… Ugh. I forgot I had my reading glasses on. The distance is a muddle of light and color. One thing indistinguishable from another. But up close, now that I can see clear as […]

The OMG Moment of Epiphany

Have you ever had one of those moments? When you got THE news you had been waiting for? THE opportunity you had worked long and hard toward? THE break of a lifetime? I have recently, and it caught me totally by surprise. It’s the oddest thing. You believed in the promise, but now that you’re […]

What is a Kinesthetic Christian, please?

How do you describe who you are? What you do…okay. Where you came from, where you live, what you produce, who’s in your family…all okay. But who you are gets to the root of things. It forces you to assess the why and the how and to reflect on what makes you tick and what […]

The high fly ball of Inspiration

The deadline for the Lenten Devotional looms. The editors are EXPECTing my submission. But inspiration just won’t come. That’s the thing about inspiration…you just can’t force it. In fact, the harder I try, the less of it I seem to have. Still, it doesn’t seem right to just sit here. Waiting. As if a lightning […]

Can I have your autograph?

I have been walking among giants this week. Literally. Just shouldered past Michelle Akers, FIFA female player of the century. There goes Amanda Cromwell, had coach of the 2014 NCAA national women’s soccer champions. Someone just shouted “Hey, Anson,” and I turned to see the legendary UNC Women’s coach walking behind me. Outside the exhibit […]

Born to Cheat

Photo credit: Roger May I always look for the shortcut. You know, the easy way. The way around. Why would I bother taking the long road when there is a perfectly good way to cut the corner that would make it so much easier? And quicker. I am just being efficient here. Blazing a new […]

The NSCAA Convention:10,000 Coaches!

Coaches, are you looking for simple training to keep their bodies quick, strong, and healthy using that tiny winter indoor space?  Try the Wall Jump or the Cone Step Over. Let’s keep those kids playing healthy and in the game. Thanks for doing what you do. Have a great convention! Wendy LeBolt, PhD Founder of Fit 2 Finish, LLC