Newly Written

Remember the days when you didn’t dare make a mistake typing that term paper? Because a mis-cue meant re-typing the whole thing? Slathering on the white out was unacceptable. Remember the relief when they introduced the correction cartridge? Erasing a mistake was as simple as typing over the letters in white. Only we knew what […]

Teaching is not fixing but founding

Golf fitness is, apparently, big business these days. Didn’t used to be, in the days when tournament champions sported beer guts and nicknames like Walrus, Golden Bear and Big Mama. Now they are Tiger and Bam Bam and Popeye. It’s commonplace to see commercials or ads touting flexibility programs or strength training routines or infomercials […]

When is a curved line like a straight line?

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I remember reading that in some geometry text book and believing it. Simple. Straight forward. Seems right. The most efficient way from A to B is the straight way. Neat. I tend to be a straight line kind of person. The problem is, life throws you […]

The power of the in-articulated pause

Articulated = having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint. (hinged, jointed, segmented) (of an idea or feeling) expressed; put into words. (“the lack of a clearly articulated policy”) Madeleine L’Engle has called this to my attention in A Circle of Quiet. Our our speech has been infiltrated by articulations in our pauses. […]

A love like that

“Even after all this time, The sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens with A love like that. It lights the whole sky.” ~ Anonymous I offer this today in the name of all those who, in the name of love, have given me so much and expected nothing in […]

Good Job, Good Effort — Really?

Rewind to June 2012: The Boston Celtics win Game 5 of the NBA Finals over the Miami Heat and go up 3-2 in the series. The ever-present TV cameras catch the mood of the losing team as they head into the locker room after the devastating loss before a home crowd. Listen to the kid […]

21 straight makes a perfect game – in softball

Author’s note: On the 8th of September our church began the Complaint Free For 21 Days Challenge. Several of my posts have referenced this effort. This post is an update of my latest attempts. If you’d like to know more about taking the challenge, check us out here or go to the website to get a band or […]

Leave it safer than you found it

I turned left instead of right and found myself on the trail in the wooded path. You’ve got to watch yourself along these. Roots and sticks and brambles galore. Every so often an industrious spider has extended himself across the way and surprises me with a sticky netting that needs brushing off. Clearly, no one […]

Thank God for Windex

How does the gunk get on the INSIDE of my windshield? I know about acid rain and air pollution. I get that the trees dispense pollen and the birds do occasionally poop mid flight. And of course there are the unfortunate bugs that come to their final resting place on the windshield of my car. […]

This band is cramping my style

This little purple band is a curious thing. We have been to challenged to wear it as a reminder of our commitment to the “No complaining for 21 days” effort.  We’re to switch wrists if we complain and then start again at Day 1. (for more read more here) Friends tell me: their kids refuse […]