VYSA Conference this Weekend

This Saturday, February 2nd, come on down for the Virginia Youth Soccer Association Conference at the Richmond Convention Center.  There will be some great soccer workshops and teaching sessions from 8-5 plus vendors and exhibitors with the latest ideas, gear and give-a-ways. Plus, you can meet Caroline Miller, UVA soccer star and member of the […]

Punching holes in the darkness

I had never heard the story shared by Adam Hamilton in his 2013 Inaugural Prayer Service Sermon. He said, I’ll be telling the old story about Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevenson, the 19th-century author, once told how, as a boy, he’d been sitting in front of the window at nightfall, watching the lamplighter light the gas street lamps.  He would erect […]

Endless supply, isn’t that clever of grace?

The strangest thing happens here at the base of the ski mountain every day at 3:00 pm. They hand out big, warm chocolate chip cookies. For free. To everyone who asks. They push their cart out filled with cookies, and a long line of small children scampers along behind. But it’s not just the small […]

Busted ~ Over and Out

I HAVE to get my book draft finished! The first draft was so fun. The editing stinks. I find everything else in the world to do – other than finishing it. It’s me. It’s procrastination. I know this me. So does God. Help! …I say. So I’m pulling on my sweatshirt this morning – the […]

Just Don’t Get Hurt – How do you play that game?

When our daughter took the field with the high school soccer team, these words of advice were our best attempt at injury prevention. “Just don’t get hurt.” What a game plan, eh? How do you play the “just don’t get hurt” game? Here are some options: Take the field but don’t engage. Get out of their way […]

When Christ sets all our transgressions to zero, we can address our weight

One size fits all. That’s what my daughter told me when I mentioned my desire to purchase some yoga pants. I am a bit behind the times. Still hanging out in my Adidas track pants. Comfort, yes, fashion not so much. She was offering to let me wear hers while she is traveling abroad for several months. […]

Lotta Life at Starbucks

I am sorry for eavesdropping  But the tables are too close together to have private conversations at the Starbucks. And I was rattled by the one taking place at the table next to me. (No, Judy, not OUR Starbucks) A tall, well-dressed, salt and pepper haired, Caucasian man was seated across from a small, young Asian man, […]

Coaches Teach By Keeping It Simple, Thanks Mike Jorden

“Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach.” Have you heard the expression?  I used to chuckle at it. I thought, Ha, that’ll be the day. When I can’t do it anymore. “It” meaning play all-out, compete with the best, throw my body into the fray without a care in the world. Well, that day […]

Praying in pencil

My prayer list is a revolving page of the conversation God and I are having. My eraser is my thank you.